What follows are the suggestions for and jokes about violence
and other kinds of assaults against me that were posted by members on the May
15, 2015 thread of the Facebook group Xxxxxxxxx. I also include a comment from a poster who
offers his intention to ruin my life. I made a copy of the entire 110 or so
pages, images and all, and am considering posting them all here on my blog,
including the vile, degrading memes that illegally use my pictures. Like everything on this blog, it’s part of the
story. The Xxxxxxxx thread and all its postings are available to friends who privately request a file of them.
l Throw eggs and tomatoes at him.
l Hit with a brick.
l Punch in the throat.
l Punch in the “dick.”
l "Fuck" (as a verb).
l Get a monkey that throws feces.
l Euthanize.
l Burn alive. (This comment may have been removed, but it was
l “Kick in the nuts.” (The writer of this comment went on
about the subject at length, and others offered to fund her legal expenses.
Another poster composed a picture of a woman kicking me in the groin.)
l Kick his wife “in the vagina.”
l “Deck him in the face and break his camera.”
l “Put him in a half-nelson and pull his ears until he pukes.”
l Give him a helicopter whirl.
l Aim a large mirror so the sun goes in his eyes.
l Give people like that “what they deserve.”
l “Accidentally” drive on the sidewalk, that is, hit him with a
l Moon him.
l “Stand outside his house filming his comings and goings and
those of his family too.”
l Spray with a spray bottle for cats.
l Point a laser pointer into his camera lens.
l Surround him with 50 people snapping pictures to “totally
freak him out.”
l Bigot bash of the old days. Straight fist and boot style. (Though the poster says he is a now peaceful
man, he later says “violence is pretty effective. Trust me… it gets results… go
for it… violence is kinda fun… No one is threatening anyone.”)
l “Accidentally” make him fall down and bleed.
l “Crazy how many times you hit your head when you fall down
l “Step 1: fill a super soaker with piss.. Step 2: drive by Step 3: unload”
l “Optional step 4 aim for the camera…”
l “step 5: Don’t get caught.”
l Take pictures of him getting a colonoscopy or a prostate
l Dress in lab coats and chase him.
l “Do some counterintelligence and infiltrate.”
l Send packages to his PO Box with “that jack n the box explosion
thing, but with that stinky “skunk” spray all over it…-don’t let him know where
the shit is coming from. Just fuck with his head I say.”
l “Someone should’ve considered having HIM ‘taken care of' when they (his mother) were preggo this dude.”
l “Follow him home, where I will then continue to take
pictures.” (Stalking.)
l “god damn I would love that asshole to target me with his
l “Dig a little deeper into his privacy.”
l “…I’m more interested in ruining this dude’s life than
changing his mind right now… And probably forever.”
l “All we'd have to do is surround him holding hands like
"red rover red rover" and talk at him, sing at him, tell fucked up
raunchy jokes, etc. Block his camera shots.”
l “Every nanosecond this jackass spends in public I'm
determined to shame him for.”
l Maybe he should experience the true joy of a Pap smear...
l “Mick should be reincarnated as a skin tag on a hookers
taint. This way all he sees are balls slapping him in the face for the rest of
his days.”
l “I heard a hard fist helps in situations such as this.”
l “I wonder if I would be in my legal rights to give him a
good soaking with a bucket of water… They'd
have to catch me first.”
l “like the PD is going to be sending out the dogs from a
water bucket assault lol ... You're safe.”
l “Bruce was kicked off - I don't think he can re-join.” (Apparently for more direct threats of violence.}
l “Do you really think it's appropriate to meet peaceful
protesting with violence?” The “kick in the groin” poster said, “yes.”