Above is the photo posted at "Voice of Choice" with my recent listing as being a BULLY. They included my home address and phone number with a map showing the location of our house.
From their website:
"The people listed on this site have been known to picket clinics and harass clinic workers, doctors and patients. They have no regard for the privacy or safety of those who are making legal medical decisions, or the workers who are helping them exercise that right. They prey on the culture of fear and stigma that surrounds abortion and are not used to people standing up to their bullying and intimidation. We are here to show them that the pro-choice community will not stand idly by and bow to their anti-choice agenda.
"Voice of Choice works to temper the rhetoric and the hate. To meet that goal, please NEVER ARGUE with those you call, and be peaceful and calm in your demeanor. Please do not leave any voice messages. If you do not reach them please keep trying, and once you reach them please do not call again."
Just a few days ago, their description of "bullies" and statement of their mission was as shown below. I managed to copy it before they took it down.
There are adult bullies who harass and intimidate anyone who does not agree with their exact beliefs. These bullies promote and teach:
There is nothing about the behavior of those on this map that makes the world a better place. PLEASE, help us let them know, STOP the BULLYING, STOP the HATRED
Voice of Choice works to temper the rhetoric and the hate.
I'm now considering posting here the home address, with a map, and private phone numbers of abortionist Lorraine "Lori" Cummings (Belford). Something I have never done before. It's what they've just done to me. What do you think?
Abortionists like Cummings should be arrested, put on trial, and locked up in jail where they will be safe. That's treating them with respect as human beings. It would be an act of love for a sociopathic serial killer. But read my novel, Universal Man. $2.97 at Barnes and Nobel.
Abortionists like Cummings should be arrested, put on trial, and locked up in jail where they will be safe. That's treating them with respect as human beings. It would be an act of love for a sociopathic serial killer. But read my novel, Universal Man. $2.97 at Barnes and Nobel.
A number of my FB friends just got listed, too, and this has generated some good conversation about how to respond. I also have contacted the others listed for North Carolina to see about networking with them. Todd Stave, the "founder" of this group is the landlord of a killing center in Maryland that hires late term abortionist, Leroy Carhart. Stave's father was an abortionist who started the center.
All the "bully" information has disappeared from this "Voice for Choice" site.
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