Gary and Larry, (above) our truck/security car drivers and materials handlers (and all around good friends) are decked out for the torrential downpowers of rain that we experienced this particular day at UT-K.
It's hardly possible to get good photos in a toad-strangling rain. Hence, this scene above seems dry. But I like umbrellas.
Another umbrella in this photo above , but she is holding our brochure that someone gave her.
She may be hard to see, but the parka clad figure moving to the left and just about to vanish behind the greenery, toppled over four of our warning signs as she passed.
It rained nearly the whole day, and here at about 4: p.m. the display is down and ready to haul uphill to be loaded onto the truck. Note that the two sets of UT-K photos that follow are in backwards time sequence--meaning that they represent events that occurred prior to each preceding set.
We have done GAP at UT-K many times, and this gentleman always yells something like, "Roe v. Wade will never change!" when he passes. But this time he didn't yell. I think he was distracted by the blonde who had asked him for directions.
This is the Planned Parenthood table next to the GAP display. You can see our barricades.
Her T-shirt says, "Protect Women's Health." I thought it ironic that she was smoking a cigarette. The PP folks often stand amidst the passing students and offer them condoms. This should be considered sexual harassment.
Jane Bullington of the Center for Bioethical Reform seems dwarfed as she holds forth with this group of UT-K students.
This Jewish student was unhappy about me taking his photo and said he would sue if I published it on my website. He asked for my name and I told him. He wants it clear that he doesn't agree with our comparison of abortion to the Holocaust.
This above is typical class-change foot-traffic in front of the GAP display.
MTSU Pro-life Collegians set up their table next to the passing pedestrian traffic. Note their outstanding poster--it rolled up into a nifty case like a carpenter's tape measurer. This was a gift from the Center for Bioethical Reform.
These students in the above photo cared a great deal about letting everyone know that they didn't care about anything. They even turned around and posed for this picture. After hours of bellowing and chanting during each of the two days we were on campus with GAP, maybe some of the Planned Parenthood crew and the Solidarity socialists concluded with a silent salute. I suppose they are prepared to recreate the bloody Russian Revolution.