Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wear RED

...to the protest.

Here is what I am giving out to our people on the days of the protest:

Dear Friends,

Thank you for joining our protest against PLANNED PARENTHOOD today.  The name of that organization sounds friendly and nice, but people soon discover it’s synonymous with deception and death.  We are here to represent truth and life.

To help us to do so, I have outlined a Code of Conduct that I request for people to follow.

1. Treat others with respect.

2. Related to the above, don’t talk to people who ask you to leave them alone.

3. Please do not yell to the people in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood.  We have designated “sidewalk counselors” who speak to the women and men coming for abortion.  (In our experience it’s a waste of time trying to talk to the pink-vested abortion escorts.) Also, leave about a 15 foot buffer on both sides of the driveways. 

4. Don’t defend the signs.  If someone tears up yours, take pictures of the person doing so, and call 911.  Of course you may defend people.

5. Be safe.  Keep your young children under control!  McDowell especially and Choctaw are busy streets.  Watch the children of others.  For a safe option, families with active children can stand on the sidewalk on Frederick Street, west and back of Planned Parenthood.  It’s off Choctaw.

6. Don’t bunch up on the sidewalk.  Allow room for people to walk by.  Spreading out a little will allow your signs to make more impact.  Don’t stand in the road.

7. Be open to talking with Planned Parenthood/abortion supporters who are likewise open to calm discussion.  If someone is shouting at you, however, or expressing hostility or contempt in some way, just leave them alone.  Pray.

This isn’t part of a Code of Conduct, but please, if you will, give us your contact information.  If we do something like this protest again, we’d like to reach you. Tear off the bottom of this sheet and print your name, address and e-mail address.  Include a phone number, if you wish.

Thanks so much. 
  –Mick (Meredith Eugene Hunt) 
Life Advocates 
PO Box 19205  Asheville, NC  28815  828-575-7300
lifeadvocates@earthlink.net    lifeadvocates.blogspot.com 





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