Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Building a Death Camp

Some of the people involved in constructing/ remodeling the new Planned Parenthood DEATH CAMP on McDowell Street in Asheville.


Anonymous said...

I must say that i think the things you are posting are disgraceful. It's very overdramatic to refer to Planned Parenthood as a "death trap". I am glad that you have a cause you feel so strongly about,but with all do respect posting blogs are doing nothing. It is legal in the US, and in my opinion will remain legal. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, the fact is, you can't take a woman who does not want to be pregnant and force her to remain that way. If abortion was illegal, women would still find ways to abort, but then not only would the embryo/fetus be in danger so would the mother. We would have wards of women filled in hospitals with infections because they tried to self abort like we dide before Roe vs. Wade. Is that what you want? I know pro-lifers love to hand out literature throwing down on Planned Parenthood with fictitious facts and statistics but in reality, abortions are performed only 1 day out of the week, and that's only at the clinics that perform them. Not all Planned Parenthoods perform abortions. They promote abstinence, and if a girl/woman is sexually active birth control is there first resort. They try to limit the amount of unplanned pregnancies so woman won't find themselves having to make the decision as to have an abortion or not.And with abortion patients, they try there best to educate them and encourage them to have long term birth control placed, such as an IUD or Implant, which can last from 3-10 years. That's a lot of abortions that have been prevented. Most women once they entered a clinic have already made up there mind,and no one is going to change that.Not family,not protestors, no one. The goal of Planned Parenthood is to educate woman on the use of proper birth control, provide low cost or even free well woman exams and STI testing, as well as low cost or even free birth control!( that a lot of people without insurance would not have access too) They try to make abortion rare. If they truly were a "death trap" as you call it, why on earth would they give away $1000 IUD's to patients? I'll tell you why, to prevent abortions. They do that by trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening in the first place. Now if a woman refuses to get birth control, an repeatedly gets abortion's that's her right by law to obtain a safe,legal abortion, but they will never stop trying to educate the woman on the benefits of birth control. And the people you posted in this picture who were unloading supplies for the clinic in Ashville, I hope they get you for slander,since stating that they are building a "death trap" truly is a stretch of the imagination.

M.H............................ said...

I didn't call it a "death trap" as you say, but in some ways that's a better description than "death camp". They plan to kill pre-natal children in this place, and the people in the photo are helping them. Planned Parenthood receives millions in government funding and aborts more children than any other entity in the world. The comments above are equivalent to saying terrorists who cut off the heads of innocent people are good because they do some good stuff, too. More later.

Anonymous said...

Well I must say, you report that Planned Parenthood receives all this government funding for there abortions, I'm sad to inform you that that is very far from the truth. Yes Planned Parenthood does get funding as it is non profit, but no government funding ever is used for abortion patients. That strictly goes to family planning patients. Any of this so called "funding" for abortion patients is contributed by private agencies that believe all women have a right to receive a safe, legal abortion, regardless of there financial situation. The people in this picture you are targeted are trying to help the Ashville population have low cost or even free well woman exams, birth control and sti testing. And the people in this picture are not trying to "kill"pre-natal children.The mother makes that decision. And I stand strong by my conviction that you can not force a woman to remain pregnant if she chooses not too. Have you ever considered that Planned Parenthood performs more abortions that most others because there's more of them around? Which is wonderful.There are still many women (and even men! they can receive services there too you know!)that are without insurance. Without Planned Parenthood's they would go without health care.I'm not trying to change your opinion on Planned Parenthood as I can see that you feelings on the organization are very strong. But I just felt you needed to know that that so called "government funded" is used for family planning, to help reduce abortions. They don't just use that money to promote abortions. A woman would never get government money to receive an abortion. I'm simply trying to give you true, accurate facts about the organization, since you seem to be lacking them. I realize lots of people don't like Planned Parenthood there is nothing I can do to change that, but part of that reason is because people like to put blogs up with facts that are very far from the truth. I'm not trying to upset you, or engage in an argument. I'm an actually very nice person who likes to ovoid conflict, but I just wanted to inform you of some truth of Planned Parenthood, coming from accurate sources. I hope you enjoy your night. :)

M.H............................ said...

Hello again. I'm not upset. I'm well aware that federal funding doesn't go directly to pay for abortion, and I didn't say, or imply, that it does. Nevertheless, the murderous Planned Parenthood is supported by our government, and it is supported by the people in the photograph. Weigh everything you have written against the truth depicted in the introductory video at

Planned Parenthood is so committed to aborting children in the womb that it has repeatedly demonstrated it would rather give up the millions in federal funding for all the supposedly good things it does rather than stop.

Anonymous said...

Planned Parenthood lives off of donations from celebrities, the public and our patients. WE ARE NOT FUNDED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Never do we encourage our patients to abort their pregnancies, however, we DO SUPPORT their decision to plan their own future. Abortions are one of the services we offer, however, its the least amount of service rendered. STD testing, confirmation of pregnancy, and BIRTH CONTROL is what keeps this company going. Know the facts before resulting to slander. Thank you from the Planned Parenthood staff

M.H............................ said...

Planned Parenthood kills pre-natal children. It sends mothers to other places that kill children. It receives millions in tax dollars. It lobbies against legal measures to protect mothers and children from abortion. (It also lies.) Documentation to follow, but the information is everywhere, including in Planned Parenthood's own material.

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as pre-natal children.

Your blog is despicable, and shows your ignorance and fear through your hatemongering. Should anything happen to those whose pictures you have posted here, I hope you will be the first one investigated for the crime.

M.H............................ said...

Planned Parenthood's own 2012-2013 report says it received 45% of its revenue directly from government sources. The amount came to $453 million. It killed 327,166 children by abortion. How many human beings were destroyed by the million and some "emergency contraction kits" it gave out, we will never know.

M.H............................ said...

No such thing as "pre-natal children"?

Denial makes killing pre-natal children easier.

Willis said...

Here is a good question to help individuals investigate the belief that there are no pre-natal children. This belief, that babies in the womb have no (or less) right to life than babies out of the womb (or children or adults) is central to the moral foundation of institutionalized and legalized abortion, and deserves to be examined
Ask "what differentiates a baby in the womb from a baby out of the womb, or from an adult?" Make a list, sticking to measurable criteria. (A few examples are size, level of independence, and cognitive abilities - there are several more.) Then ask whether any of those differences, when found between people in society, give those two people different levels of value or right to be alive.
Using those answers, make a second list, one of non-prenatal humans who also have no (or less) right to life, by those criteria. Mentally disabled, the elderly, newborn babies, and the paralyzed may make an appearance. This is the moral foundation of legalized abortion.

M.H............................ said...

The pro-abortion response to that argument is to point out how pre-natal children, as not being born yet, are inside the body of the woman and therefore are subject to her independent agency. The idea of abortion being justified because the pre-born are at a simpler stage of development gives way to her supposed right to bodily autonomy. And even if it were only about development, even a profoundly retarded born child is more advanced than the healthiest, normal near-term baby. It’s all about the baby existing inside the woman. If you can convince an abortion defender to admit abortion destroys a person (and person not defined by some arbitrary, shifting, developmental criteria), they will take refuge in the bodily autonomy argument, that a woman has the right to expel an unwelcome person from her body, even if that person is her own child, and even if she willingly engaged in the ordinary behavior designed biologically to create that child into its condition of dependency upon her. In essence, the pro-choice-on-abortion position of each individual is either not well thought-out and brutal, or else it’s just brutal, even as it might be wrongly considered a lesser of evils.