Monday, October 25, 2010

More from Urban GAP in Knoxville

Three people who stopped to talk and listen.

These bricks above, including the one from the pro-abortion NOW, were near a bronze monument of three women holding picket signs advocating woman’s rights, specifically the right to vote. You might think they were protesting us, but you would be mistaken. Attached to this monument, which was not 50 yards from our display, was a plaque bearing these words: “Thanks be to God that in giving Woman the crown of motherhood He made her the giver not the taker of life. Woman has no greater claim to the rights of the ballot than that she is the producer not a destroyer of life.”
—Lizzie Crozier French (1851-1926), founder of the Knoxville Equal Suffrage Association

Some of the flowers in the square. It was sooo hot that day.

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