Philadelphia City Hall--548' high. I took this photo hanging out of Sage's truck on Thursday, November 1, the day after we finished GAP. Since our plane left late, we had time to visit the Historic District.
This is a strong showing of our team, some of whom were members of Generation Life.
Despite the high population in front of the display, there was still space for quiet talk.
Some of the GAP workers drew crowds, others made a more personal contact.
This guy Above got himself up as a white "Jesus" for Halloween. His sign taunts meanly, "May the fetus you save be gay."
This female jester probably wasn't actually protesting, just passing by the display.
The Coathanger Myth platoon.
One of their cheers: "Their pictures are shocking, they've got us flocking here to say, this sexist bullsh--t is not Okay." Though, I am not sure it was "flocking" but maybe another F word.
Pro-death cheerleaders with the Genocide Awareness Project in the background. Some of the pink people handed out pink flyers that said, “Attention Students: Please ignore the LARGE signs clogging up our campus. It’s easier to avoid the propaganda and just continue on to class. Thank you. -Temple University Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance” which basically meant "Move along, move along." How condescending!